Vision & Values

Our vision at the North West Energy Coast Alliance is to compete for, and deliver, multi-million pound projects in the UK nuclear sector while adhering to social responsibility and the highest quality standards.
Our vision at the North West Energy Coast Alliance is to compete for, and deliver, multi-million pound projects in the UK nuclear sector while adhering to social responsibility and the highest quality standards.
We aim to grow and develop as a partnership to create a long-term and sustainable legacy for the West Cumbrian economy through the provision of opportunities, skills, engagement and employment.
We’re committed to supporting and adding value for our customers in every project we undertake.
We are uncompromising in our commitment to the health and safety of our employees, subcontractors, customers, and community. Together we THINK and WORK safely, every minute, every hour, and every day.
We see different views and experiences as advantages. We respect people, value diversity and are committed to creating a more equal workplace and world.
The North West Energy Coast Alliance is keen to continue to make a big social impact on West Cumbria.
We are at the heart of the local manufacturing community and realise we have a part to play in helping the socio-economic development of the area.
We want to help establish a long-term and sustainable legacy for the West Cumbrian economy through the provision of opportunities, skills, engagement and employment.
Over 95% of the Alliance’s workforce has either a Copeland or Allerdale residential postcode providing long-term employment to help boost the local economy.
There is also a strong focus on utilising a West Cumbrian supply chain to help maintain and build our spend profile within the county.
Looking to the future and nurturing the next generation is high on the Alliance’s agenda with apprentices currently making up 8.7% of our workforce and we have plans to increase this number in the future, helping more learners get into full time employment.
Supporting education establishments across the area is another key responsibility we fulfil, aiming to raise awareness of STEM topics in West Cumbrian schools and colleges.
We provide several days of meaningful work experience each year, and members of the alliance have supported an Entrepreneurship Programme and an Engineering Skills Passport for West Cumbrian schools.
One of our Alliance partners also recently joined the Board of the Energy Coast University Technical College supporting the operation of the college and development of the Engineering and Business Curriculum.
Volunteering is also encouraged across the alliance with staff using allocated volunteer hours to help make out communities a better place to live.
We have provided volunteering hours to staff who have acted in the following capacities: an Enterprise Advisor for a local secondary school, the Chair of Governors at a West Cumbrian primary school, a member of the Britain’s Energy Coast Business Cluster (BECBC) Shadow Board and a Board member of Cumbria Chamber of Commerce.